Fintech industry is emerging and evolving, which requires companies to adopt new approaches. IEXS has always stood at the front to deliver high-quality brokerage services of forex, commodities and indices. Additionally, IEXS has just entered the Asian market, one of the most competitive and demanding marketplace in the world. This is why IEXS has just upgraded its website and app to facilitate the clients with seamless customer experience. As part of IEXS new digital transformation program, it strives to be users-friendly and tech-savvy to continue to improving the customer experience and expectation.

Best Forex Fintech Broker 2022
This year, IEXS received Best Forex Fintech Broker of the year award- a trophy assigned to the most innovative strategies and implementation.
IEXS received Best Forex Fintech Broker of the year award by WikiFX – a trophy assigned to the most innovative strategies and implementation.